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Head of Digital Delivery Management

Delivering software is hard. Delivering software quickly, safely and with maximum value is even harder. We’ve worked with teams of many different sizes across many different industries, and we’ve seen what works and what doesn’t when the rubber meets the road.

Accelerate Developer Productivity

We’re a trusted Microsoft Partner with extensive expertise in helping equip organisations with modern developer platforms that let them innovate and deliver intelligent apps more quickly.  

We have a detailed understanding of development tools and best practices that help developers thrive and can help you customise the right plan for you and your teams.  

Why Waterstons? 

We’ve cut our teeth as individual contributors and developers, but we also know how to get alongside people and how to ask the right questions. We use industry-leading research and our own experience to help you get to a place of increased speed, quality and security in your delivery of software.  


We’ve seen how central team culture and developer satisfaction are to sustaining high-performing teams, and will help you find ways to ensure that your developers are thriving in a learning environment where their contributions can be recognised and valued.  


Our access to world class NCSC-accredited Cyber, Cloud, Digital Transformation and Design specialists also allows us to call on a wide range of experience in delivering the very best outcomes for your teams.  


Learning and thinking

Ready to reimagine your business?

We’re with you.

Head of Digital Delivery Management