My role at Waterstons is...
Varied! After many years of helping customers level up their use of technology directly, I've now set my focus on the platforms and technologies our managed services team uses to deliver value to our customers. Call me biased, but although I genuinely believe we're already providing a much more effective service than you'll find elsewhere; that's no reason to slow down. Just because you're only competing with yourself doesn't mean you can't improve!
My proudest Waterstons moment is...
Automating 80% of my job a month or two after joining Waterstons as a graduate. There have been a lot of more impressive wins since then, but this one has a special place for me. Not many places would listen to a random fresh-faced graduate telling them their processes are inefficient, let alone allow that graduate to launch into building new automation because they wanted to.
My life away from work is...
Monopolised by my kids. Once the taskmasters are in bed, I indulge my interest in technology by creating videos that aim to be informative, and hopefully not too boring. You'll find them on YouTube at Protech Show. I try to fit in a spot of climbing here and there when I can. For some reason, repeatedly falling off a wall helps me relax.
I’ll be with you when...
One of the various smartarses in our team has a clever idea that can help your business; or when you just need a bit of guidance to navigate the technology landscape.